Growing Potatoes in Large Pots – A Beginner’s Guide

Seed Potatoes Feature image

Are you interested in growing your own potatoes but don’t have a big garden? Fear not! In this post, we’ll show you how to grow delicious potatoes right in your own backyard using large pots. With seed potatoes now available at Woodbank Garden Centre, it’s the perfect time to start your potato-growing adventure!

1. Choosing the Right Pot:

To grow potatoes successfully, you’ll need a large pot. Look for one that is at least 18 inches deep and wide, with good drainage holes at the bottom. Ensure the pot is sturdy and durable to support the growing plants.

2. Selecting the Right Seed Potatoes:

At Woodbank Garden Centre, we have a great variety of seed potatoes to choose from. For beginners, we recommend starting with early or second early varieties, as they tend to grow quicker and are more forgiving. Each seed potato should be about the size of a whole egg, and make sure they are certified disease-free.

3. Preparing the Pot and Soil:

Before planting, make sure your pot has proper drainage by adding a layer of stones or broken pottery at the bottom. Fill the pot with a good quality potting soil that’s enriched with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure. Leave about 4 inches of space at the top to allow for watering later on.

4. Planting the Seed Potatoes:

Place two or three seed potatoes on the soil, making sure they’re evenly spaced and about 6 inches away from the pot edges. Gently press each potato into the soil, with the eyes (small indentations) facing upwards. Cover them with approximately 3 inches of soil.

5. Caring for Your Potato Plants:

Water your potato plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. As the plants grow, mound up the soil around the plants to encourage tuber formation. This will also protect any exposed tubers from sunlight, which can turn them green and inedible.

6. Harvesting Your Potatoes:

Most potato varieties take around 12-16 weeks to mature. When the plants start to turn yellow and wither, it’s time to harvest your potatoes. Using a gardening fork or your hands, gently dig around the plants and unearth the potatoes. Be careful not to damage them!

7. Enjoying Your Homegrown Potatoes:

After harvesting, allow your potatoes to dry for a few hours. Then, store them in a cool, dark place to keep them fresh for longer. Now it’s time to cook and enjoy your homegrown spuds! They’re perfect for roasting, boiling, or making scrumptious mashed potatoes.

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