Hello June – This Month In The Garden

June has the promise of hot summer days, and a time to enjoy the garden, with the first spring crops coming to fruition and summer bedding plants coming into flower.

There’s still plenty to do of course with fruit, vegetables, containers and baskets needing regular feeding and watering.

At this time of year rain soon evaporates as the ground is relatively warm so it’s essential to ensure that your crops are well watered.

In the vegetable garden you need to continue sowing vegetables to ensure a season long supply.

The lawn will require mowing and feeding too if we have rain. However if the weather is very dry stop mowing and do not feed at all. It will lose its colour, but will soon green up again once it rains.

Here are some tips on what to do in the garden this month:

Remove weeds.

Earth up potatoes to ensure a bumper crop.

Deadhead flowers regularly to extend the flowering period.

Liquid feed container and greenhouse crops.

Continue to sow salads, runner beans, peas, lettuces.

Now’s the time to sow winter Flowering Pansies, Wallflowers and Sweet William in trays of John Innes Seed Sowing Compost.

Lift and divide overgrown bulbs like daffodils.

Feed clumps of spring flowering bulbs with a liquid feed to help them prepare for next years show.

Plant out summer bedding plants once all risk of frost has passed.

Plant up containers using a Multi-Purpose Compost.

Plant up hanging baskets, mixing in Water Saving Gel and slow release fertilisers with compost.

You can grow a surprising variety of crops in hanging baskets including cherry tomatoes, strawberries, chilli peppers and leafy herbs are all suitable candidates for basket growing.

Apply mulch to reduce water loss and suppress weeds.

Keep slugs and snails at bay, especially around Hosta.

Make a check on the condition of the lawn, in particular for weeds and moss that may have invaded the lawn.

Tidy the pond and continue planting aquatic plants.

Most importantly enjoy every minute in your garden and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses 🌹

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